
Welcome to my own little corner of the internet. My name is James and professionally I'm a software engineer who works with Ruby on Rails. I've seen enough platforms rise and fall over the years that I finally lit a fire and wrote this website.

This site is a static site generated by an Elixir program using things like PhoenixLiveView, Tailwind, and NimblePublisher.

I made this myself!

I'm fascinated by building comprehensive and automated systems, if a tool can fix something on it's own or at least yell at me to fix something, then I think it's a great tool.

I love physically building things and woodworking, as I dream up new things to build I hope to publish recaps and maybe tutorials.

You'll find I'm a fan of referential humor, and read Cervante's Don Quixote at a formative enough age that I think there's a lesson of relentless optimism to be gleaned from the novel. Not just the cynical definition of quixotic you see day to day.


There's still plenty of things I want to do on this site. Here's a list to help me keep on it.


While I built a lot of this from scratch, there's plenty I didn't. Thanks to the people and resources below.